My Misophonia Journey

As a psychologist who also suffers from misophonia,

I am in a unique position to help you.

I developed my first misophonia trigger around age 10.  I suffered in silence, playing loud music (to my parents’ dismay) to try to cover trigger sounds at home.  College classes felt like torture some days.  I have done silly and confusing things in the spirit of trying to avoid trigger sounds and the feelings that come along with them.  The first time I read a description of “selective sound sensitivity syndrome,” I cried in relief that I wasn’t the only person who felt this way.  I forwarded the first major article on misophonia in the New York Times in 2011 to many.  Today, my suffering from misophonia waxes and wanes.  When I practice good self-care and manage my overall stress, my misophonia can fall further into the background of my life.

Experience & Training

Feel free to browse my Linked In profile for more specific information.


I have been working with therapy clients since 2006 and became licensed as a clinical psychologist in 2014.

Misophonia Hope is just part of my clinical work. In my private practice I also specialize in treating clients with anxiety and OCD and related disorders (skin-picking, hair-pulling, perfectionism). Separate from my private practice, I currently hold a clinical psychologist position with One Medical Group. Before this, I worked onsite at top tech company in Silicon Valley (Google) and doing individual and group therapy at Kaiser Permanente in the San Francisco East Bay, including running the clinic’s group program for OCD. As part of my training, I have provided therapy in clinics and hospitals in the Bay Area and Twin Cities since 2006. I have also taught and supervised master’s level psychology students at The Wright Institute in Berkeley, California.


The Wright Institute; Berkeley, CA - PsyD Clinical Psychology

University of St. Thomas; St. Paul, MN - MA Counseling Psychology

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, MN - BA Psychology


California PSY26709

Colorado 0006306

New York 025178